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  • Question

    Has anyone had an internal staph infection that did not have to get a second surgery. I am 8 months post op and have finished 3 months of meds for a staph infection that I got from surgery. My surgeon said that the infection is probably going to show up again and will not go away completely until he goes back in and cleans it out and replaces the hardware. I've read here that a few people that had staph had a few surgeries to replace hardware again and the infection did not go away until the hardware was totally removed. Does anyone have any info.


  • #2
    Sorry to hear about your staph infection. I also had MRSA. I had an A/P from T4-S1. My doc had to go in 4 times to debride (clean out) the infected site. I was on IV's/antibiotics for 6 months. In the end my doc had to take out all of my hardware to get rid of the infection. After having gone thru a very hard surgery, only to have everything taken out was very emotionally and physically difficult. Because my spinal fusion hadn't really "taken" yet my spine collapsed. At this point I'm 70/70 L/T. and fused. It has been 5 years since my surgery. I don't have back pain and because I have an S curve, I appear well balanced, as long as I dress around the curve.

    I wish you well and hope your doc can get rid of your infection



    • #3
      I had a scare 2 days after I was discharged from hospital. my mum thought i might of had an infection, but it turned out to be a scab between my shouldes that was refusing to heal.
      2002 - 42 degree curve (top) and 38 degree curve (bottom)

      2003 - 43 degree curve (top) and 37 degree curve (bottom)

      2007 - 46 degree curve (top) and 48 degree curve (bottom)

      Anterior/Posterior surgery 17th of July and 31st of July 2007 and 2.5 cm's taller


      • #4

        When the doctor debrided your infection did he replace any of the hardware? My doctor said the hardware becomes contaminated and has to be replaced.



        • #5
          My infection site was at the pelvis, where the screws attached the rods. He explained to me that sometimes the screws are not as sterile as they should be or when they are screwed in to the pelvis, bone dust gets missed when they irrigate the site. He would remove the offending screw clean out the wound and replace the screw with a new one. Everytime they had to go in, I would be opened up again from T4/S1, because they had to look for any other site of possible infection along the rods.

          My understanding now is that when a surgery is as invasive as A/P is the higher the chance of infection. I was prepared for pain/a long healing time, but not for the infection. I knew that there was a chance with every surgery, but it just never really registered with me.

          In the end I believe that my doc tried to save me from having the hardware removed. But I was getting so sick that removal of all of the rods/screws was necessary. The only hardware I have now are the two "cages" at L3/4.


          • #6
            Thanks Sandy


            • #7
              What were the symptoms of your MRSA and staph infections? i'm 6 weeks post-op and still have a couple of places on my incision that don't want to heal... kinda red, itchy, and oozy. Hubby has been trying to help me clean them lately with peroxide and q-tips.. then Polysporin and a bandaid.... Do u think this is normal healing or something to be concerned with?


              • #8

                The very first time I noticed the infection, there was a small blister (size of a dime) next to the incision line. It looked like a blister that you might get from new shoes. When it popped open on it's own it was oozing clear yellowish fluid. After the surgery that followed, it became redish/itchy. The skin around the area appeared very dry and flakey. It would then again blister, but with a larger blister. When it would rupture there was a lot of yellowy, clear fluid draining out.

                I would stop putting anything on it and just cover it with some clean gauze and call your doc. It needs to be seen.....soon

                Good luck


                • #9
                  Thanks, Sandy.... I think i'll take your advice. Let you know what happens!


                  • #10
                    1st time Surgery - Monday, Oct. 29th


                    Thank you all for your information. It is so helpful to hear others experiences and gain from their sharings. Hope you all will continue to feel better and better.

                    Our daughter who will be 26 on Nov. 3 while she is in Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC, is scheduled for surgery on Monday, October 29th. Being a mom, it may be a little difficult but know it will help her. God willing, all will go well. So many blessings and lessons come with every situation to learn from.

                    Prayers are greatly appreciated.
                    Any suggestions (moms/dads' experiences, too, if they wish to share) or other information will be most welcome.

                    Last edited by bjmk18; 10-24-2007, 08:20 AM. Reason: insert a few missing words


                    • #11
                      bjmk, Your daughter will have my prayers.... and so will you. As hard as this surgery is, it would be even worse to see my daughter going thru it...I think as moms we'd rather suffer ourselves.

                      God bless and good luck to you both....
                      Hugs, JoAnn

