Okay... I am 28 years old. I have Herrington rods since I was 13-14 about 1992, although I'm not very good at remembering everything. ( my mom died the year before ). I had a corkscrew and s curve. My surgery was done at Shriners in Northeast Philly. Not sure where the rods are located but inbetween my shoulder blades to above my hip..next time i go to the chiropracter i will find out. I am scared now of the pain i may have later in life, the hospital told me i would be fine...and at thirteen I believed them. After my son was born, I began having muscle spasms in the neck and shoulder area, then lower back pain. I started seeing a chiropracter who was a godsend and really helped me in these areas. He doesn't go near the rods.
Anyways....last week i was in a car accident of signifigant force and all my problems from before have returned three fold..including new symptoms...like face twitching, numbness, burning in neck area and shoulder blades, arm pain and so on. I recently started reading about all these issues people are having with these rods. I love this forum, because i know i am not the only one. It has been wonderful reading all the support and information on here. Well i have been to my chiropracter everyday and i am getting relief but i feel like something else is going on...more signifigant. So i am seeing my Orthopedic guy tommorrow. I hope there will be some answers and relief in the future.
Anyways....last week i was in a car accident of signifigant force and all my problems from before have returned three fold..including new symptoms...like face twitching, numbness, burning in neck area and shoulder blades, arm pain and so on. I recently started reading about all these issues people are having with these rods. I love this forum, because i know i am not the only one. It has been wonderful reading all the support and information on here. Well i have been to my chiropracter everyday and i am getting relief but i feel like something else is going on...more signifigant. So i am seeing my Orthopedic guy tommorrow. I hope there will be some answers and relief in the future.