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First time back stuff

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  • First time back stuff

    Hello, I am active duty Army LTC who had total hip replacement (2000/2002), total shoulder replacement (2002) and hip revision (2002)- just when the fun was settling down - I am told I have a strange back. I have kyphosis (70 something) and my lumbar region fell apart. I go to Bethseda Naval Hospital where I am told on 19 July I will get either a "small" surgery consisting of a instrumented spinal derotation and a lumbar laminectomy fusion from T12 to L5 or the "big" surgery. The "big" surgery is if all my interbody disks are gone and I need Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. If life is good, my entire lumbar will not be fused, but just a lucky few. If spine guy is right- my whole lumbar will be fused. Totally kept me sane before- seeing if this group can. What will recovery be like? Anybody else out there experience the wide world of spinal fusion/detrotation. Just for laughs, I have moderate scolosis which would normally be left alone. The Ortho Spinal surgeon assured me of one fact- these are normally successful and I should be pain (somewhat) free. This will be surgery number six in six years and it does sound like the worse. Amazing enough, I am still on active duty!
    Army LTC
    13 June 06
    L1-S1 fusion (post-ant)
    T10 - S1 derotation with instrumentation

  • #2
    I am a mom of a 10 year old with scoliosis. I have been told that she almost certainly will eventually require surgery, but am praying to avoid it. I have no advice for you, but want to offer a great big cyber hug to you.
    Your attitude is upbeat. You've been through a lot!
    I, like most Americans, hold our military men in high esteem, feel a deep gratitude for all you sacrifice, and just want to offer my best wishes and support!
    God has used scoliosis to strengthen and mold us. He's good all the time!On this forum these larger curves have not held forever in Spinecor,with an initial positive response followed by deterioration. With deterioration, change treatment.The first year she gained 4 or 5 inches and was stable at around 20/20 in brace, followed by rapid progression the next year.She is now 51/40 (Jan2008)out of brace (40/30 in Spinecor) and started at 38/27 out of brace(Jan2006.) Now in Cheneau.


    • #3
      I notice you are from MS so you have carried a lot as well. I appreciate your kind words and pray your daughter does not need surgery. vr
      Army LTC
      13 June 06
      L1-S1 fusion (post-ant)
      T10 - S1 derotation with instrumentation


      • #4
        I too appreciate the sacrifices you and others in the military make. I'm inspired by your positive attitude given all you have been through. My prayers are with you as you prepare for your July surgery.


        • #5

          I, too, want to say "Thank you for all you do to protect our country." I appreciate you and pray for a good recovery. God Bless You. God Bless the USA.


          (outside of Phila, Pennsylvania)
          From Bucks County, Pa., USA

          Mom to Matthew,19, Jessica, 17, and Nicole, 14
          Nicole had surgery with Dr. Dormans on 9/12/07 at Children's Hospital of Phila. She is fused T-2 - L-3

