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Why chiros shouldn't be treating anyone for anything

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  • Why chiros shouldn't be treating anyone for anything

    This article has quotes from chiro school students...

    Equivalent to Med School or a Joke?

    So, based on what these chiropractors are telling us, it would appear that Chiropractic College really is just a fraud factory.

    It appears that it is nothing more than a make-believe school put together by make-believe doctors designed to lure unsuspecting students into a career where they have to "fake it 'till they make it" as one school slogan seems to imply.

    The evidence seems pretty overwhelming.

    I do want to point out again that a complete bibliography with links to the original source material is included below so you can verify that I did not quote anyone out of context.

    Every source quoted from is worth reading in its own right and will provide you with even more insights into this very controversial topic.
    Here's a comparison of admission requirements of med school versus chiro school...

    So we see that medical school obviously sets the higher standard for admission and is only looking to select the cream of the crop. They aren't trying to take a bunch of average students and somehow magically turn them into brilliant scholars.

    Chiropractic schools on the other hand aren't so picky. They don't care who you are or what your motivation is. If you can obtain the minimum requirements and pay the tuition, you're in.

    Here's what some chiropractors have to say about this situation:

    … low entrance GPA requirement guarantees that chiropractors are the dumbest of all health care providers. [6]

    Chiropractic schools are essentially trade schools, tuition dependent, and generally can not afford to be picky about choosing who's admitted. And because the schools require the tuition to remain open, they also can't afford to LOSE anyone, who, even at a chiropractic school, is below par. [7]

    Chiropractic students STILL argue about why they have to take all this "medical stuff…" [7]

    Of course, this low minimum standard does not mean that someone of superior intellect and abilities won't be part of the class. It just means there will be a lot of mediocre (or worse) doctors of chiropractic being turned loose to "practice" on the public.
    Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

    No island of sanity.

    Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
    Answer: Medicine

    "We are all African."

  • #2
    Comparing coursework and hours at med vice chiro school

    Same Name Different Course

    If you look in a chiropractic college catalog it would appear that the course listings are the same as in a medical school. But this apparently is not accurate. By all accounts, the courses actually taught bear little resemblance to the real thing as these former chiropractors reveal:

    The medical portion of a chiropractor's education is a simulation… [8]

    … the medical and science courses that ARE listed for chiropractors represent little more than a theatrical prop, like the white jacket and stethoscope needed to "Play a doctor in real (insurance-reimbursable) life." [7]

    "A CCE report from their lawsuit against Life University reveals… that Life was not teaching [differential diagnosis] at all. Instead of the real subject and despite representations in admissions materials that it was being taught… students merely learned to qualify every patient using non-validated chiropractic diagnostic procedures…" [18]

    Life University has been teaching that chiropractors should not perform differential diagnosis (listing possible medical conditions and doing what is necessary to determine whether they are present) -- a policy that places patients at considerable risk. [4]

    The only physical examinations we performed were on our fellow students. Except for a radiology course in which we actually viewed x-ray films, our other disease-related classes provided little practical information. [5]

    Basic sciences: My biochemistry and physics teacher maintained that you weighed less when you picked one foot off the ground and that there was no gravity on the moon. [7]

    Microbiology: When asked about the size of a virus, the professor maintained it was "very small," but wasn't quite sure if it was bigger than an atom, or not. A fungus was defined as the 'green stuff' that appears on cheese left too long in the refrigerator. [7]

    The General Diagnosis course, taught by a chiropractor who had a nursing degree, covered diseases whose symptoms and course we were expected to memorize by rote. [5]

    I have sent evidence to CCE that the deficiencies it found at Life were there when I was a student. I estimate that 8,000 Life graduates were inadequately trained in diagnosis, posing a serious threat to their patients. These graduates have also been taught to take unnecessary x-rays of pain-free areas (to find "subluxations") and to advise patients to discontinue prescription medications. [4]

    Finally, I am not aware of any required clinical internship or residency (as with MDs) for chiropractors above and beyond their relatively minor clinic exposure... [7]
    A former chiropractor now turned med student writes:

    Medical education is a very humbling experience for me. It is much more intense and much more clinical exposure that I can't even compare it to chiro school. [6]
    Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

    No island of sanity.

    Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
    Answer: Medicine

    "We are all African."


    • #3


      Sharon, mother of identical twin girls with scoliosis

      No island of sanity.

      Question: What do you call alternative medicine that works?
      Answer: Medicine

      "We are all African."

